Martín Morales

More failures

Spanish version


After reading Manu’s post about celebrating failures, I’ve been thinking a lot about how society is polarized by “success” and how it’s normalized to only show positive occurrences in life. However, what happens to failures? Why does this kind of event remain private?

When I watch interviews or podcasts with famous people, all I hear are questions about their triumphs or the “happy path”. There are no questions about errors or failures in the interviewee’s life. This can also be observed on social networks. A few people express their experience with undesirable events. I believe fervently that sharing unexpected or unlucky experiences could benefit the spectator more.

I agree with Manu, the failures and errors should be shared. Because they are life’s lessons and there is no guide or handbook for them, they are simply experiences. Unfortunately, it’s strange to watch failures on social media, maybe they are bad-seen in the molded society to toxic positivism.

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