Martín Morales


Spanish version

One definition of a tool is an extension of the human body used to aid in the development of tasks or other work.

For many years, we’ve used tools to make, shape, and destroy things in our lives. As we have evolved throughout history, so have the tools.

I can’t imagine modern life without tools; I believe that we depend on them and can’t survive without them. Perhaps humans are the most powerful species on the planet because of tools.

They are a double-edged sword; we have used them to make and destroy things. We molded this world into what we know today. Tools are not good or bad; they just are there.

Tools have evolved to the point that we’ve altered their names. We now refer to them as gadgets, machines, assistants, software, or hardware. However, their main purpose is to make our lives easier. Whether stones, pencils, computers or artificial intelligences, they are mere tools.

I’m wondering if there is anything that we’ve developed without using tools.

This post is part of the IndieWeb Carnival for July 2024, hosted by James. I’ve written this text with Tool’s music playing in the background. I’d like to read your perspectives on this topic.

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