Martín Morales

One month without social media

I’ve seen a huge issue with social media apps in my life for some time now, and it’s because I use them for a lot of time each day. I open an app, I close it, I open another app, I close it and this is the way to create an infinite loop between apps. I’m aware that time is going to trash and I won’t get any benefit from it.

My current issues are with LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter X, Threads and, Reddit apps.

After investigating my phone settings, I discovered that Instagram takes up most of my time, wasting more than an hour and a half daily. After some calculations, I found that doing swipes in the app’s unending scroll consumes 10 hours and a half per week or 42 hours in one month.

High Instagram usage
High Instagram usage

All of this is without counting the time I consume on the other social media apps mentioned above. I estimate that more than 20 hours a week are lost by utilizing those addictive apps.

High social media usage
High social media usage

The second semester of the year begins today, and I believe it is a good time to break this unhealthy habit. During this month, I will considerably restrict my consumption of those apps.

I am confident in getting good results.

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